I don't want to see so much left over from the market.
I always guess how much Jeggs(Okonomiyaki) we can sell for each market and chop the cabbages.
But you can't control the weather and people! People maybe,,,
So,,, I tried the "sauerkraut recipe".
Bowl full of the left over cabbages, sprinkle salt and let it sit over night.
I squeeze the cabbages. Get the juice from the cabbages as much as i can and put the cabbage to the clean jar.
I push those down to the bottom as much as possible. There shouldn't be big air pocket.
Put the out leaf of cabbage on top as a lid so the cabbage will not flow around.
I pour the squeezed cabbage juice to the jar.
Make sure all the cabbage soaked in the juice. cover the top with clean cloth with a band.
Check it everyday. Sometime you need to push down again.
Let taste from 3days or later~ You put the right lid on the jar and place it in the fridge.
Good for 6month. wow! It's very good for sandwich!! yummy!
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