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Mushrooms and no Jeggs while

Tomorrow is the Last farmers market @Blackcomb base 2

I 'm so sad that it is the ending. It means going to winter now. I know that it comes quickly.

We are going to send the last sales to Japan. you know what?  They still need many help.
People forgetting about those kind disaster. but I'm still worry about there. what can I do now..

I will set up empty water bottle for fundraising tomorrow at Jeggs.

If you have any question please email to  jeggswhistler@gmail.com

So Everyone!! Come to the Last Whistler Farmers Market tomorrow with your hungry stomach!!
Eat Jeggs with Love !!! and please help for the raising if you would like to!!
if you're not, no worries. Just Have an amazing Jeggs!!

Hope to get sunshine tomorrow. Maybe I will wearing the Yukata? or not.   

It's bit cold outside tomorrow..but Please go out to the market * It's last one!!

by the way..

Mushroom season has come.
Rain bring up a lot of mushrooms.

I like this season so much. want to go out for walking every day and I am enjoying my life.

Nice and fresh air has green and good soil and ....mushroom smell !!!
 I can smell it!!!

I will slice them and dry it up.  then send it to my family* They are love it.

my mom bring this blue dry net from Japan last year. It works well!!
I just hung up by the window. the heat comes from those under. those dry quickly.
you can see the bottom one is I think already stayed 2days in there. The top one is just sliced.
It goes like the bottom one.


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