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Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki

I had few Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki during my stay in Hiroshima. There is big difference (looking) between Kansai style and Hiroshima style. 
Kansai style is all ingredients (except meat) mix with the special batter just before it baking on the griddle.
Hiroshima style is make few layer of the ingredients which is the wheat crape and cabbages and noodle and few more ingredients and egg at the end. It's beautiful finish. (We don't use noodles tho..)
Normally eaten by the spatula (it's technical).
Both style(Kansai and Hiroshima) are eat with the magic sauce and sea weed and bonito flakes if you like.
This is the Hiroshima style.
Very very look different!! 

The Jeggs is MIX of those style Okonomiyaki!!! One day we'll add noodle for extra topping.but not for now!

It's official!! You can eat Jeggs at Squamish farmers market this year. Finally!

I'm happy to announce it.!!! 

Our Squamish market date is on Saturday July 11,18, 25  August 8,15, 22 and September 5 !!!
These 7days. Don't miss it Squamish people!!;)

And ,,, Yeh Whistler!!!
It's Jeggs 5th anniversary! The Jeggs coming on ALL Sunday from June 21 to Octover thanks giving weekend!!

Do you know? Wait. You should know!
 The Jeggs use Organic! cabbages (trying to use locally grown in the season)and green onions flour and free range eggs and home made rice cake!!! 
No meat no fish so welcome Vegetarian! 

We love local grown vegetables and Love local people!
 No farm No food guys!!!  

I hope we can help your stomach happy and your body keep healthy:)

We are looking forward to see you so soon!


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