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Last Jeggs

 This season a little bit easier to work on the Jeggs compare to last year, cause we were second time!!
and the new green trailer worked very well! good job Ken!
It will be our storage for the winter. He will be attached the wall so the snow won't get into it.  I'll put my bike in there till next spring.

We raised $1,071.5 last sunday market  !! We well done!!
huum,, where should we send it,,,

looked on the internet about where should be give it from Jeggs.

after the market.
We went the hot spring at pemberton.
           the sunset was awesome.
this night, we could see a Northan lights!? green line was on the sky. stars were also beautiful.

good morning river.
all night long I hear this sound of river. this camp site is just beside of the water so it's so nice !
breakfast is,,,

                       ,,is this.
Last Jeggs*

Why is this so yummy? it's included my Love,this is why.
hmnnnn,,Yummy yummy!

See you guys at somewhere so soon.
Otherwise Next summer @Whistler farmers market!!


Thank you for coming to Jeggs today *
Such a beautiful days in whistler this season !
Tomorrow will be the LAST day of the summer farmers market!

The winter is coming so soon! you can feel freezing when you breeze from your nose deeply in the morning here in Whistler. Oh poor my toes are already got frostbite.  but that cold is only morning and night time.
When we got the sun it'll change quickly!!! it'll be so hot !!still burn your skin.   I like this season.
Where is the rain by the way!?? I 'm waiting for rain a little bit. you know what? I like to find a mushrooms in the forest!...yes mushrooms needs a lot of rain before gets very very cold.

Have you been to the turkey sale ? I bought some base layer for a winter. are you guys ready for the winter? I want to buy a ski bouts and new snowboard. i wonder how much money going on that place eh?? so much!!! crazy shopping place here till on monday! good luck to finding yours!!

See you guys tomorrow again. tomorrow is the last market ok? Don't miss it !
Come earlier before sold out or you'll be wait till next year!!!!




We took off

It was surprise to you that the Jeggs wasn't there at last market?

No,We are Not done yet.

We'll be there on Saturday and  Sunday.  Yes, 2 more times! you can have a yummy Hot Jeggs on the Turkey weekend.
Does anyone going to buy a new gear for the winter? or still you are looking for the bike parts..

Come for the Lunch * at Whistler Farmers market.

It's on Sunday which is last day of the market. and Jeggs will be doing  a fundraise this year again.

the sales$ of the day of Jeggs, We will send it to Japan FOR EARTHQUAKE VICTIMS.


See you soon*
It's my style Okonomiyaki*
My Jeggs special (Mochi, Cheese, Gingar, Green onions) 

and Love