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Many things was going on today. 
 I asked to him to put a winch pole on the trailer.
 I bought a hand winch.

 I did some art things. I meant custom trailer is an art but die is more for girls? 
 my favorite time that I 'm making something.       to die the Jeggs sign today!!
twisted the fabric and tight with elastic or something. It needs to be soak in water well.

boil water in a biggest deep pot in my house.
put the turmeric in the pot and mix it well.

drain well the fabric then put in the turmeric hot water and sit in 30 min. it needs stir sometime.

squeeze the water and put in second hot water with some an alum.
It's makes the color stays in the fabric. It called"Myo-ban" in japanese.
something interest scientific things is going on in the pot eh!

something amazing and I like the sounds.

look this color! amazing isn't it?
I like it!

the bear came to check what's going on our yard .

I like here.


Our market dates

2012 Summer
"Jeggs Okonomiyaki" will be open those days.

All Sundays in July & August 
September 2, 9 and 16, 
October 7, 8.

Please try our yummy Okonomiyaki @ Jeggs

See you at the Whistler Farmer's Market!!!
Check the web site 

so far

We had a merchant meeting the other day. it was raining again like last year. but I was happy to see many market friend faces.
We are still working on custom the trailer.

attached a jockey wheel.

Ken has done all paper work. thanks.

I painted little bit. i will paint this inside later when the sun is back.

Paid a lot but I believe that it'll be back.
It's canadian new $100 bill .....looks awesome!



We visited the farm*
the cabbage is looking good! 

We need more Sun !!

and I wanna go somewhere.

the Trailer

Yes, finally I bought one at White Rock! There is about 3hours drive down to south from whistler!
Thank you for driving Ken-chan. (Otsukare!)

We going to custom it to Jeggs work space.
it will make easy and safety to start up and quick loading at WFM.

I've been thunked about the trailer for last few month then found it what I need for the Jeggs.

I think it's perfect!

and Now,,   I need sunny days for DIY in Whistler!!!!