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want to stay home when it's raining outside

Last Sunday of September (25th), Rain, Rain and Rain..

It stop some time, then people start walking around and make a line like usual.

and start raining again. people doesn't wanna get wet so much so not many people walking on last Sunday.

Thank you for coming to Jeggs*in the rain!!!!!
Big love!!

We were enjoyed the rain with Grouse.
the bird walking to us saying something.             piu,piu,piu,,,
she was very friendly. jumping on the tent and sliding on that.    that was so cute!!
she made my day*
that was fantastic things.  

another things, we have many left over of cabbage. because of that.
We knew that raining all day but eh? you know,, I thought wether is changing all time.

hmmm, how can I cook them,,,
I'll make "cabbage croquettes" !!

Recipe : Chopped Cabbage

Steam and saute the cabbage with half cup of dashi. then drain it.

Saute chopped onion.

Make a Panko,  

grind the dry breads to make enough for the croquettes.

Cabbage ball mix
now the steamed cabbage put in a big bowl, mix with Tofu(it need drain first), eggs, sea salt & pepper, brown rice flour, and sauteed onion,
maybe wet bread to hold together? what do you think?
pinch of nutmeg, green onion. Okonomiyaki sauce. 
Mix them all till get together.  maybe cheese is good too.
make a ball.
put flour to it all around the balls.

 Beaten eggs, dump in it. then move the eggy flat balls into the Panko. needs good covered it.
 then put on the oven tray.
it may be too difficult to hold it together.  hahaha;;;;)

little olive oil on the ball to make it more tasty.
you can put in freezer as well!

350F oven   bake those till Panko is nice brown colour.

try it and enjoy cooking**

good luck!!!


Summer is gone, Fall has come.

3 more times left for Jeggs.  tomorrow(18th) and 25th of September. last one is 9th of October..

sounds like its already in a fall!  so cold out side and I don't wanna get up in the morning..

But still you can have a yummy hot Okonomiyaki *if you come up to the farmers market on Sunday.
Hopefully no rain, maybe some rain is ok, chance of rainbow*

 Nice and delicious fresh green onions from Riverlands garden,
they finished season for the sweet cabbages. we took all the cabbages from their farm!??
Thanks  Riverlands Garden crew  for the yummy vegetables. Jeggs loves you guys!

so now we got lots beautiful Cabbages from North Arm Farm! They are biggest farm in Pemberton!
I like to visit there. I like to go picking strawberries in spring. it's so sweet**and so Beautiful view!!!!
I wanna move to there! hahaha it's true..

We went hot spring after the last market!
Minami & Hide has gone now. They went back to Japan. Back to the real..
I miss them so much..

But the Jeggs are still going.  Here is our new crew !
ChiSato & KoTa

Who can taste the different cabbage @Jeggs this week!!

See you guys all tomorrow*

  Good to eat the Okonomiyaki in a cold day. It will make you warm*


4 times left Jeggs @WFM

left of the days operation    Jeggs

11, 18, 25, of  September. 
and the Last one is 9th, of October.
                   so,  Only these 4 days left...  
                                          Minami and Hide,
     These two of us are leaving Whistler.
Coming this Sunday will be the last day for them.

They are working well and we are no stress to working with Jeggs.
Awesome!  you guys are family*

Thank you so much your lovely smile ingredients. 

Please say something to the guys from you*


Summer vacation has been gone

The last Sunday was last Sunday in Summer vacation.

     We chopped 90LB of local cabbage from Riverlands garden in Pemberton BC.
this is the walk in fridge at Samuraisushi Whistler 

  We are working on Saturday night after they closed.    
Thanks a lot Samuraisushi!!!

Those were biggest amount of cabbage that we have chopped before.

but they were like fly away and sold out early *

How many people around there!? market was very crowded with family and nice Sunny day!

I'm glad every one likes Okonomiyaki*

Green onion special    add .50¢ I recommend. It was sale a lot too. It gives very nice flavor to the Okonomiyaki. This nice green onion from the farm as well!!  They said it's Japanese seed!! so it's too perfect **and they always gives us extra for us!!

We will do that green onion special next Sunday again.
you guys should try with green onion next if you haven't try one yet!
add just  .50¢!!